Registration fees and Abstracts submissionBe aware that the number of places for the congress will be limited to 120 people (Limit of capacity of the VVF) The fees include: 2-night accommodation in full board (all meals, gala dinner and coffe breaks included). Rooms are located in bungalows, which are divided in two individual spaces. Thus, each person will have an individual room with personal bathroom. Views of the VVF rooms and living space, on their courtesy
Inscriptions fees: Early-Bird Fees (From January 16th to May 15th) - Young researchers (Undergraduate student/ Ph.D student / Post doc) : 300 € - Permanent positions: 450 € - Private companies researchers: 700 € After (from May 15th to June 5th) : +50 euros on the initial fees.
Groupe de Graphisme et Modélisation Moléculaire SIRET: 492 900 634 00014
IBAN: FR76 3000 4014 2100 0100 1334 862
Purchase orders must be sent directly to the GGMM treasurer, Mr. Antoine Taly (taly@ibpc.fr)
Submissions of Abstracts: Submission on the website can be of two kind: oral communications or poster communications. The duration of oral comunictaions will be 10 min of presentation + 2-3 min of questions by the audience. The selection will be made by putting the priority on young researchers, following the spirit of the GGMM. Other abstract non selected for oral will be converted into poster communications. Poster has to be in A0 format. Please note that flash poster sessions will be organised, so everyone that will have poster communications will have a 1 min flash presentation. Abstract submission starts from January 16th and ends on Mars 15th, 11.59 P.M. We expect to select and make the announcement of abstract selection around mid-April. |
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