Comitees and Sponsors
Organisation comitee:
Dr. Florent Barbault (ITODYS) Dr. Eric Brémond (ITODYS) Pr. Antonio Monari (ITODYS) Dr. Julien Diharce (BIGR) Dr. Alexandre de Brevern (BIGR) Dr. Elisa Frezza (CiTCoM) Dr. Sophie Sacquin-Mora (LBT) Dr. Antoine Taly (LBT)
Scientific comitee:
Dr. Marc Baaden (LBT) Dr. Samia Aci-Sèche (ICOA) Pr. Elise Dumont (ICN) Dr. Florent Barbault (ITODYS) Dr. Eric Brémond (ITODYS) Pr. Antonio Monari (ITODYS) Dr. Julien Diharce (BIGR) Dr. Alexandre de Brevern (BIGR) Dr. Elisa Frezza (CiTCoM) Dr. Sophie Sacquin-Mora (LBT) Dr. Antoine Taly (LBT) Dr. Matthieu Chavent (CBI)
Thanks to Sponsors to allow the good tenue of the congress!